This simple guide will cover the basic principles of installation and maintenance of natural stone slate tile floor, but it does not fully document the depth due to the vastness of the topic We have tried to present "best practices" during the installation of natural slate flooring to achieve the desired impact, both experienced professional or an absolute beginner
For more detailed technical reports, reference may be made to British Standard BS5385 1994 wall and floor tiles
Be sure to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions in each package adhesives, mortars and mastics
Please follow the golden rule tiles and keep everything scrupulously clean and dry. Timber flooring perth
Durability of platelet surface, which are to be identified should be suitable for their intended purpose Floor area "must be flat, dry, clean and free from dust, grease or loose materials. Timber floating floors This is for internal and external FLOOrs
Sand & Cement Screed
During the installation of sand and cement, each 20-30mm screed takes approximately 1 week to dry properly, or longer if adverse weather conditions prevail. Timber flooring Fresh screed shrink during drying, which can create cracks. This can cause breakdown of platelets, if they are properly dry before installation.
Wood Floors
Wood floor as if suspended, can not flex, and additional load weight natural stone tiles must be accounted for. The most common method of preventing traffic would be placed 18mm WBP plywood on the floor and screw firmly to 140mm intervals.
Flexible glue and mortar should be used in determining the wood floor.
Installation inside the existing glazed, clay, stone, vinyl, linoleum, etc.
In an ideal world, all floor coverings, adhesives and is already been taken and surfaces properly cleaned, but if it is not the case and the existing floor is in good condition, it is natural stoneTiles may be fixed on existing floor all the residual fat is removed.
Cork & Existing Wood Floors
Cork and wood floors should be completely removed. All asphalt left on the floor should also be removed.
Before installation, damp proof membranes should check the existence or effectiveness and to install or replace if necessary.
Unfair Floors
Floors minor bumps and hollows can be offset by using more or less adhesive to the bottom of each tile during the installation. In the case of a very uneven floor, leveling compound should be used.
Floor Heating
It is possible to determine the natural slate stone tiles in situations where floor heating is used.
It is advisable to schedule the tile in the corner furthest from the original entry.
For the center line, measure and mark the middle of opposing walls AB and CD. Join these points with the string to locate the center point.
With the midpoint of the center line defines the plate without their removal, allowing the joints to see where the last whole tile will end. Mark a line at right angles to the plate next to last a whole.
Find a starting point along the new line in the same way as before, to see where the last plate is over.
Now, an additional sign at right angles to the plate next to last a whole.
Now check that the line consists of a perfect right angle, and that additional runs parallel to the center line.
Grout joints
According to their own tastes, it may be between 5mm and 10mm.
Make sure the tiles and the floor is clean and dry.
It is recommended that the PVA glue is applied to the cement floor, or acrylic binder is applied to wood floors.
Mix tile adhesive or Rapid Set adhesive, making sure that just is mixed use, and unused material should be discarded. Do not add furtits water.
Apply glue to the surface of about 1m ² with a notched trowel. Do not exceed more than 6 mm deep glue.
Screed is not more adhesive than can be tiled in 20 minutes.
Fix the initial position (see plan) and press the tiles firmly in place. All plates should be firmly pushed down allowing no air space underneath.
Place next to adjacent tiles, and so on, allowing the grout space.
Cleaning adhesive from tile surface clean with a damp cloth as soon as possible.
Set the glue will be very difficult to remove.
Clean all tools immediately after use.
At the end of the main circuit and prepare the area to warn of tiles cut as long as the adhesive is properly cured.
The adhesive must be at least 24 hours to dry, or according to manufacturer's instructions, prior to sealing and grouting.
Apartments bed diamond cutter (supplied with water) is required for tHe cut off all natural stone slate tiles (available throughout the country Rent Centers). Correct blade should be used and this will depend on the type of stone used. (Counseling Center rent).
This process will require re-cleaning tiles, as dust is unavoidable.
Internal and external
Before grouting all the adhesive must be properly dried. Normal drying time is 12-24 hours unless they quickly set the glue is used then drying time 4 hours is usually sufficient. Thick bed of adhesive and lower temperatures will slow the drying time.
Make sure that all connections are clean and dry.
When the glue set, clean the floor gently wipe it with a large sponge to remove any dust, which would certainly be on the floor. Do not soak the floor with water. The floor must be completely dried before the sealer can be applied to the floor.
We left the floor as long as possible to dry to ensureplates completely dried to prevent moisture are closed during the shutdown process.
Quartzite layers recommends PROTECTOR (Call us for advice if you are unsure), it will vary depending on the product are defined and should be used with a small sponge roller, this will act as impregnator and stop mortar from staining the tiles.
One layer should be applied depending on the porosity of shale.
Allow to dry for 30 - 60 minutes or until fully dried before grouting.
This treatment foundation absorbs the slate to reduce its porosity, thus contributing to protection against staining.
We advise you to be completed by the joint distribution or slurry process. Surface plates must be kept clean as possible.
Mortar should bring about strong and all the joints well filled, and the air should not be allowed to remain in the joints. More grout is used, it will be difficult to set. It is important that the excess mortar is removed with a damp cloth or sponge continually.
Allow to dry for at least 24 hours.
After grouting, ensure that the floor is both perfectly clean and dry.
To clear all the really stubborn grout residue, which can be particularly difficult to remove from a textured slate, cement and lime film remover should be used. Call us for advice, how would this affect the appearance, if the shipper is used badly. (Very important).
The overall strength of voice is dependent on the quality of mortar, which must support all the edges of the tiles.
Tiles of natural stone slate is virtually maintenance free when properly closed. It is recommended that all natural stone floors are sealed and allowed to dry before use.
Before sealing ensure that all areas are clean and dry otherwise dirt and moisture will be closed c.
SEALANT the recommended 24 hours after grouting and applied in small Sponge Roller. Do not flush the sealant, whether the proliferation of creat a better look.
It is recommended that work on the surface of 1m ² at a time.
We offer 1, depending on the application of the porous shale. Allow to dry for about 2 hours.
Repeat application if necessary. Allow to dry for about 24 hours, depending on room temperature.
Installation view
Natural stone tiles are porous, so if you are outside there is a risk that moisture is absorbed and the plates can be prone to frost damage if the temperature remains very cold. Using the proper welding the risk of damage is minimized.
We recommend using Resiblock Superior exterior paving tile sealer, if they are to be laid out (available throughout the country Builders Merchants)
Over sealants protect the slate, creating a barrier against dirt and stains, but they are not spots correction system.
All Sealer on the market usually protect stone floors from 4 - 8 hours, then Is necessary to acidic liquid food should be wiped up immediately, ie, red wine, orange juice, vinegar, oil, tea, coffee, otherwise they are stains on the floor.
It is important that protection is maintained. Caustic cleaners will weaken finish and should not be used.
Relevant Recommended MAINTENANCE Cleaner will clean and prolong the life of the protective surface finish used.
We cleaned the floor with a light brush and Hoover, as it may scratch the surface of the tiles and floor mopped recommend once a month, depending on pedestrian traffic.
After mopping try to clean the mop bucket as often as possible and very textured slate will be dirt and grime rather than smooth finished products.
Clean water, the floor looks better in the long term.
If the recommended cleaning the floors are then used to help you achieve the best looking floor and keep floor look beautiful years